How To Control Your Anger?


Anger breaks things and relationships to the core, and then it takes time to mend them. When you have anger issues, it arises a lot of problems. It is an emotion that can be as subtle as nothing and as furious as to create fire around. It can be an irritation to rage that is uncontrollable, which leads to yelling, scolding, and damaging things. Anger takes a toll on you mentally and physically and becomes problematic. 

Anger is completely normal, but it needs to be controlled to not to destroy your life and relationships. It may lead to something that you’ll regret later. 

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So, ready to control your anger? Here are some tips:

  • Count Down

Start counting down from 10 or 100 as you like. It helps to focus on counting and will slow your heart rate down. This way, you can control your anger. 

  • Take a walk around

Whenever you feel that the situation is uncomfortable, take a walk around the premises. It helps you to distract yourself and make you calm. 

  • Think twice before you speak

Anger lets you speak anything which you have no control over. So, think twice before you utter anything. Take a few minutes to settle down and revisit your thoughts. 

  • Stick with “I” statements

Instead of criticizing other people, why don’t you put “I” in your statements to avoid the problem? For example, I am angry because you didn’t respond to me well, instead of saying, “ You have this habit of not responding anytime.” This way, you can confabulate your problem more respectfully. 

  • Don’t hold grudges

Forgiveness is the key to a healthy relationship. People who forgive others are the ones who have more amount of courage and make things better. Forgiving someone helps you learn to curb positive feelings and neglect the negative ones.

  • Use humor to ease the situation.

Light humor can be helpful to ease the tension. Do not let humor turn into sarcasm; it can hurt and worsen the situation. 

  • Communication

People tend to keep things to themselves, which creates a burden on them. Communicate things that are bothering you and seek help if you want. Communicating things will help you to draw a conclusion and think rationally. 

  • Change the environment

Sometimes we are just fed up with our surroundings and need a change. Do that if that helps you to be happy. 

  • Express your emotions

Sometimes you have to express your anger to make other people understand how angry you are and what all emotions you’re feeling. This will make you positively channelize your feelings by letting them out and easing your anger. 

Wrapping up

You can also practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, listening to music, or chanting a mantra if that helps. These things will help you keep a check on your anger, thus controlling your overpowering emotions. We all have felt anger somehow, and to curb this emotion, we need to take a few steps not to hamper our relationships with anyone. 

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